Control Premium & Minority Discounts
* Strategic Acquisitino Premium
- 50% 이상 지분 보유시 : 30% ↑
- 50% 미만 지분 보유시 : 20% ↑
* Control Owner’s Prerogatives
- Appoint management
- Set policy and change the course of business
- Acquire or liquidate assets
- Select people with whom to do business and award contracts
- Make acquisitions
- Liquidate, dossolve, sell out or re-capitalize the company
- Sell or acquire treasury shares
- Register the company’s stock for a public offering
- Declare and pay dividens
- Change the articles of incorporation or bylaws
* Discount for Lack of Marketability
- Restriced Stock Studies : Private block sale price of the restricted stock to the same day public trading price range from 13% to 45% discounts, Most 31%~36% discounts.
- Pre-IPO Studies : Transaction prices of stocks up to five months prior to an IPO to the public offering price around 45% discounts.